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A little bit about me |
Since you've all made time to come to my web-site and see what I have to say, I figure it would be nice of me to fill you in on just who you are dealing with. Most of you probably already know me (that's why you're here), but just in case I thought I'd give you some details. Okie is my nickname because I'm from Tulsa, OK. I attend Jamestown College in Jamestown, ND where I am majoring in computer science. I am a senior this year, graduating in May. After that, I am getting married to my fiancee Chaunna on June 5th in Anchor Point, AK. Then I have to get a job so we can start our life together. Other then that, I am not doing much these days. I eat, sleep, go to class, and run. That's about it. I watch a lot of sports on TV, play Fantasy Football in a league of friends from back home (though the way they talk trash you wonder sometimes), and just hang out here at school. Thanksgiving is coming up so I'll get to go home and see the family and that'll be fun. Chaunna's coming with me...she is a brave girl. Well that's all I can think of for now so I'll let it go. Anything else I think of that doesn't apply to running or sports I'll post here. For now, however, I'm outta here. |
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This site authored and maintained by Okie.
Email Okie at asteen@jc.edu.