PR List
- 5K: 19:33
- 5 Miles: 34:00
- 10K: 44:07
- Half-Marathon: 1:31:35
Next Race:
Yet to be determined
This week:
I still suck, but at least for now I am on the road back to where I need to be. This week I'm hoping to get back over 35 miles and if all goes very well I might be able to sneak back over 40. My long-term plan is to get 2 more weeks of aerobic work in and then test my fitness with a time-trial. Then a step-back week and, based on the results of the time trial I will adjust my training. Here's hoping everything goes well!
Last Week:
Total Miles: 33, Long Run: 8 miles Well its a start. My first full week of training in quite a while is in the books. All I can say is that my foot is better, my legs are starting to respond and I hope to keep progressing from here.
Top 5 Running Links
- For all the latest Marathon Trails news and previews of other upcoming races,
- From the not quite as serious runner who needs advice on how to get started or how to advance past the newbie stage to those looking to qualify for the Olympics, everyone can find some new bit of information on the Runner's World Forums.
- This one is a site maintained by a guy who has earned my respect and is always useful for great bits of training wisdom no matter who you are. Read his articles on how to train and you won't go wrong.
- The marathon holds a certain place to many people as the ultimate acheivement in running. For anyone willing to accept the challenge or just to see what its all about,
- The Running Network hosts web sites for many regional and state running organizations including the one for my home state To browse through the entire network go here.